SUBJECT:  Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0900hrs 27 January 2012


ATTENDEES:  Clark, Wes, M/Gen, USAF (Ret), President;  Gray, Ron, B/Gen, USAF (Ret), Vice President; Ed Weaver, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Secretary-Treasurer; Gail Whalen, DAFC, Museum,  Director/Curator; Jeff Nash, Ass’t Director/Curator; Brown, Paul MSgt USAF (Ret); Jim Henderson; Brown, John, Lt Col USAF (Ret); Burns, Dick, USA (Vet); McKinney, Jack CMSgt USAF (Ret); Moyer, Norm, SMSgt USAF (Ret); McClelland, Ron Major, USAF (Ret);  Swalley, Jim, Lt USN (Ret); Terry Galbreath, Major, USAF (Ret); Ron Solomon, Col, USAF (Ret); Mike Miller, Lt Col, USAF (Ret); and James O’Neil.


OPENING REMARKS:  CLARK called the meeting to order in the Conference Room. 



A.    Management Review;

(1)   Minutes Approval:

-          30 Nov 2011 Minutes reviewed and approved.

(2)   Financial Review (WEAVER):

-          As of 31 December 2011 Reviewed and approved.

-          Cash Available:  $40,415

-          Income to date:   $29,923

-          Expenditures:      $17,999

(3)   Black Gang (GRAY):

-           Work continues in the Broadmoor Hangar.

-          City Hangar Floor painted.

-          Approval received from 21CES to remove several more walls.

(4)   Accessions, Volunteer Hours & Visitors Numbers (WHALEN):

-          As of 31 December 2011

-           Twelve Accessions during CY 2011

-          8,588 Volunteer hours during CY 2011

-           14,784 Visitors during CY 2011

-          Some discussion on how to properly report visitor numbers.

(5)   Web Site (McCLELLAND):

-          PA&SMF Web Site transferred to McClelland.

-          Numerous updates to the site have been accomplished-more to do.

-          18,861 hits on the PASMF Home Site during CY 2011.

-          3,217 hits on the Galaxy of Stars site during CY 2011.

(6)   Restoration Efforts (GALBREATH):

-          Terry Galbreth recovering from five surgeries in five months, back to work on the F-4.

-          Jim Swalley working two days a week to help  out.

(7)   MPT Sound System (GRAY):

-          Bruce LONG has installed a two minute sound system to be used by the DOCENTs.  Instructions inside the MPT.

(8)   Newsletter (McKinney):

-          New format thanks to Tonia SHAW.

-          Should be published next week. Thanks for everyone’s inputs.

(9)   Open Items:

·         WHALEN will continue looking at options to use teens as volunteers.

·         BROWN thanked everyone for their suggestion.  Will start working on next year’s calendar.

·         BURN produced another DVD.  Group viewed the DVD after the meeting.


2.      NEW  BUSINESS:

A.    Curator Update  (WHALEN):

(1)   Volunteer/Donor Appreciation Day 23 April 2012.  More to follow.

(2)   Medal of Honor Park update (CMS Etchberger).  Ceremony scheduled for 23 March 2012.  More to follow.

(3)   Foundation has approved funding the repair of the Connie’s upper radom (8.5K). Waiting for good weather.

(4)   21CES working to bird proof the F-101B. Foundation provided funding for materials.

(5)   City Hangar cleaned.  Thanks for all the help.

(6)   Roof replacement on the Broadmoor Hangar funded (200+K) ESD: Summer 2012.

(7)   Terminal Bldg foundation repair work funded.  ESD: April 2012.




 0900hrs, 24 February 2012.


5.      23rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron (PRS) (WHALEN):

After the meeting, the group gathered inside the terminal Building as Jan Cummings, representing the 23 PRS Reunion Group presented a final check of 2,153.14 to the Foundation.  The 23 PRS was organized and trained at Peterson Field during WWII.  This check closed out their Reunion Association.  CLARK & WHALEN accepted the donation and presented Ms Cummings a framed picture of early Peterson Air Force Base, and Museum & Air Force coins.




