SUBJECT: Peterson Air & Space Museum Volunteers Staff Meeting, 22 Nov 2002

ATTENDEES: Jerry "Mike" Drennan, Brig Gen, USAF (Ret) President, Robert "Bob" Koenig Jr, Col, USAF (Ret), Vice President, Edward W. Weaver, CMSgt USAF (Ret) Secretary/Treasurer, Col Charles "Sam" Bateman, 21SW, Ronald D. Gary, Brig Gen Gray USAF (Ret), Jim Palmer, Col USAF (Ret), Erv Smalley, SMSgt USAF (Ret), Ernie Newman, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Don Fulkerson, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Dr Ruwell, Curator, Lt Col McCormick, 21 CES/CC, Al Rohe, 21 CES, Kai Corns, 21 CES/CC, Dave Clapp, 21 CES/CV, Peg Allman Mesco, MSgt Jim Mesco, Dave Lankford, MSgt USAF (Ret)

1. Meeting was called to order by President DRENNAN at 0900 hours in the 21 CES Base Development Conference Room. DRENNAN introduced new members and visitors. Al Rohr thanked for his invitation to meet in their Conference Room.


a. CITY HANGAR: (Gray) GRAY reported on the 12 Nov 02 meeting with 21 CES and Contractor Design personnel. Meeting was very productive and agreement was reached with Foundation, Dr Ruwell and CES personnel on requirements and phasing of the design (See meeting minutes of 12 Nov 02 for further details (OPEN: Gray).

b. BASE ACCESS: (Bateman) Policy should be completed shortly, perhaps the week after Thanksgiving Day. Agreement has been reached by all 21 SW staff elements. Policy will be any individual with a picture ID card (driver’s license-what ever) would be issued a base pass to go directly to and from the Museum for a two hour period. Still a question on how to handle West Gate visitors (North Gate is closed on Saturdays) on Saturdays. Map needed for visitors (OPEN: Col Bateman).

c. BOMARC: (Ruwell) Cost for the Pad construction came in under cost. Project can go forward. Contractor who repainted the missile contacted and ask to return the missile to Peterson. Ceremony will be conducted to honor the Association of Air Force Missileers for their donation of $5,000 for the project (OPEN: Dr Ruwell).

d. FINANCE REPORT: (Weaver) Expenditures for the month: $612.79; income $222.00; Monies in the bank: $19261.64. Budget for 2003 and 5 yr plan has been completed. Copies will be e-mailed to all members (INFO).

e. PUBLIC AFFAIRS: (Newman) Poster is at VI for completion. Welcome tape should be completed within 30 days. Coverage for the 11 SWS 1000hrs 17 Dec 02 ceremonies coordinated. (OPEN-Newman)

f. STRATEGIC PLAN: (Riggs) Plan still under construction. We will need some additional Action plans for completion. (OPEN-Riggs)

g. MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT (Palmer) Meeting scheduled for 1300 27 Nov 02 at Museum to complete Logo and Tri-fold. Koenig, Palmer, Gray, Weaver, Dr Bullock, Dr Ruwell, Sullivan, Muir Agency will attend. Membership application completed and will be posted on the Web Site and placed in TROA, AFA, TREA newsletters. (OPEN: Palmer)

h. MUSEUM WEB SITE (Smalley) GRAY pointed out the quality of our Web Site compared to others on the WWW. Volunteer opportunities page completed and posted to the Site. Donation page will need approval of 21 SW/JA (ACTION: Palmer & Koenig- Donation Page Design))

i. OPEN ITEMS: WEAVER reported D&O Insurance application in Denver awaiting bids. May cost between $1,000 to $2,000 each year for $1M coverage. Koenig suggested we coordinate with Bob Shoop to insure need for such coverage before we commit (OPEN_Weaver)

j. AAFM GRANT: GRAY presented a check for $3,000 he received from the Association of Air Force Missileers based on our request for a grant to fund the construction of an ICBM exhibit. Need photo op and thank you letters to the AAFM. (ACTION: Dr Ruwell- Ltr from Gen Deal) (WEAVER-NEWMAN Photo Op-News release) (Weaver- thank you ltr from Foundation)

k. P-47N: Crew needs $200 for items to continue work on the aircraft. GRAY requested and DRENNAN approved (will confirm with Gen Douglas) (INFO)

m. EC-121T: GRAY reported we have the people. Now need to build action plan to begin work on the aircraft. (INFO)


a. ASSISTANCE CURATOR POSITION: Dr Ruwell reported that Mike McCorkle (P-47N Volunteer) has been hired for the position and will report for duty 2 Dec 2002. SSgt Collins will remain with the Museum into Spring so next year. All three Manpower position now filled. (INFO)

b. MUSEUM STERO SYSTEM: FULKERSON reported a temp fix has been accomplished on the stereo system. A new receiver is required. DRENNAN will talk with the 21 SPTGP/CC and Base Exchange Manager about a donation or at cost contribution of a new receiver. New wiring and jacks are required to be purchased to connect speakers. FULKERSON donated four speakers to the Museum. DRENNAN approved funding. (ACTION: Drennan)

c. BIRD CONTROL: LtCol McCormick asked if CE was providing adequate support for bird control. Dr Ruwell reported she has been working and receiving good support from his people on the EC-121T. (INFO).

d. ADOPT AN AIRCRAFT PROGRAM: Col Bateman indicated Gen Deal was prepared to support the Museum’s request for units to adopt aircraft/missiles within the Airpark (ACTION-Weaver).

e. AJAX MISSILE: GRAY asked if the AJAX missile could be placed on its feet. Kai Corns indicated that wasn’t a problem (ACTION: Dr Ruwell).

f. CORPORATE DONORS LIST: DRENNAN asked that a possible donors list be established (ACTION: Palmer).

g. STATIC MISSILE DISPLAY: GRAY AND DR RUWELL need to meet with AFSPC/HO staff to sort out who is requesting a minuteman and or peacekeeper missile (ACTION: Dr Ruwell).

h. EXPANSION OF THE AIRPARK: Discussion revolved around the need to expand the airpark. Several suggestions were made. Al Rohr and Base Development will work the issue (INFO).

i. AIRPARK COMPLETION: Suggested was made to ask for a grant from the Colorado Historical Society for the completion of the Air Park. Need to work thru 21 CES Kai Corns (ACTION: Koenig).

4. NEXT MEETING: 0900 hours, 10 Jan 2003, Old City Hangar.




PA&S Museum Foundation