SUBJECT: Peterson Air & Space Museum Volunteers Staff Meeting, 25 Oct 2002

ATTENDEES: Jerry "Mike" Drennan, Brig Gen, USAF (Ret) President, Robert "Bob" Keonig Jr, Col, USAF (Ret), Vice President, Edward W. Weaver, CMSgt USAF (Ret) Secretary/Treasurer, Col Charles "Sam" Bateman, 21SW Director of Staff, S. Park Demings, Col USAF (Ret) Member Board of Directors, Ronald D. Gary, Brig Gen USAF (Ret), Jim Palmer, Col USAF (Ret), Col Roy Griggs, Col USAF (Ret), Erv Smalley, SMSgt USAF (Ret), Ernie Newman, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Don Fulkerson, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Rich Cox, Dr Ruwell, Curator, Wayne Farrow, CPO USN (Ret)

1. Meeting was called to order by President Mike Drennan at 0900 hours in the City Hangar.


a. City Hangar (Drennan) Design monies (25K) were approved by the 21 SW Commander. Proposed Hangar Action plan (See Webb site at www/ developed by Ron Gray was provided for review. Col Bateman suggested a combined meeting with Foundation Board Members and the 21 SW Commander to review/approve suggested plan prior to start of design work. (ACTION: Drennan)

b. Base Access (Bateman) 21SW/JA completed review and returned the draft policy to 21 SFS. (OPEN: Col Bateman)

c. BOMARC (Bateman) Ground should be turned in a few days by SABER contractor to build pad for the missile. BOMARC will be returned once pad is completed. Ceremony with Air Force Missileers to be scheduled. (OPEN: Col Bateman)

D.FINANCE REPORT (Weaver) On 9 Aug 02, $23,361.12 received from former Officers. Since, we have had income of $2,340.83 while expenditures were $6,011.25 for a total in the bank/on hand of $19,552.43. (INFO)

e. GIFT SHOP (Fulkerson) Still recruiting volunteers. Upgrade of inventory almost completed. Membership pin would cost $2.25-$2.50 each with a $100 start up cost. Drennan asked Bob Koenig to work on coordinated design to be used on the pin. Col Bateman asked about the gift shop sales. Income has been $946.97 while expenditures have been $1993.93. (INFO)(ACTION: Koenig-Design)

f. CLEAN-UP EFFORTS (Gray) Gray reported efforts have been completed in the main museum and the operations buildings. Installation of the new Air Compressor has been completed in the work area of the operations building. Within the Hangar, most clean up has been completed and stored equipment has been identified. (INFO)

g. MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT (Palmer) Awaiting New Letter Head Design. Jim Palmer will get with Laura Holland, Muir Agency (she made a site visit with Terry Sullivan on 21 Oct 02) on the status of the design. Still projecting December 2002 to begin mailings and articles in various organizations newsletters. Palmer also expressed the need for a new museum brochure. Drennan asked Palmer, Newman and Ruwell to meet and work out details. (OPEN: Palmer-Recruitment) (OPEN: Brochure-Palmer)

h. PUBLIC AFFAIRS (Newman) Drennan thanked Ernie Newman for his work on the F-106 video. Dr Ruwell reported the tape was well received by the 144 FW field maintenance crew. Newman provided two proposed posters to be used by the AFA Visitors Center, Lowry and Pueblo Museums. A script for the "Welcome to the Peterson Museum" video has been completed. Taping under way. (OPEN: Newman)

i. MUSEUM WEB SITE (Smalley) Several members thanked Web Master Erv Smalley for his efforts in the construction of the Foundation’s Web Site (www/ Smalley suggested the current 21SW’s Museum Site (out dated) be replaced by a link to the Foundations site. Col Bateman agreed. Smalley also suggested a donation page be designed for the site. Drennan asked Palmer & Keonig to draft a design for the site. Discussion also addressed listing volunteers on the site. Agreement was reached to have a Museum Volunteer recognition program and display the selected individual on the site. Suggestion was made by Farrow and agreement reached to use the site to recruit volunteers. (ACTION: Dr Ruwell-21SW Web Site) (ACTION: Palmer & Koenig-Page Design) (ACTION: Weaver-Recognition Program) (ACTION: Weaver-Volunteer Page)


1) WISH LIST: Dr Ruwell reported Museum’s Wish List has been updated to include a Minuteman and Peacekeeper missiles. (INFO)

2) BULK MAIL: Weaver reported that application for Bulk Mail is on hold. USPD requires mailing of 200 items (At the same time) at least once a year to meet requirements. (INFO)

3) MISSILE SITE SEARCH: Al Rohr was unable to attend. Col Bateman suggested that the question be raised to the 21SW Commander during the Hangar Design briefing. (ACTION: Drennan)


a. STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION (Griggs) Roy Griggs thanked everyone who was able to attend the September planning session. Draft copies of the mission and vision statements have been provided to volunteers for their comments/suggestions (to Dr Ruwell). Funding priorities still being worked. Fourteen other action items were developed and are being worked. (OPEN: Griggs)

b. P-47N CREW CHIEF: Dr Ruwell reported that Wayne Farrow will be relocating in the Spring/Summer of 2003. Gen Drennan thanked Farrow for his outstanding long term service with the Museum. His knowledge and experience will be deeply missed by the Museum and the Foundation. (INFO)

c. FUNDS: Gray reported that after some discussion with the Association of Air Force Missileers, he had submitted the Museum for a $3,000 grant to fund the proposed ICBM exhibit. Request should be review within the next few days at the missileers’ annual meeting. (OPEN-Gray)

d. D&O INSURANCE: Weaver reported application is being completed. (OPEN-Weaver)

e. CPA REVIEW: Weaver reported Foundation still awaiting Audit by BiggsKofford LLC. (Open-Weaver)

3. Next meeting is 0900 hours, 22 Nov 02, in the City Hangar.





PA&S Museum Foundation