SUBJECT: Peterson Air & Space Museum Volunteers Staff Meeting, 25 March 2005

ATTENDEES: George M. Douglas, Maj Gen USAF (Ret), Chairman of the Board, Jerry "Mike" Drennan, Brig Gen USAF (Ret), Ron Gray, Brig Gen USAF (Ret), Gail Whalen, Museum Director, Vice President; Ed Weaver, CMSgt USAF (Ret) Secretary/Treasurer; Jeff Nash, DAFC, Museum Assistant Director; Jack McKinney, CMSgt USAF (Ret); Ernie Newman, CMSgt USAF (Ret); John Cawood, Lt Col USAF (Ret); Erv Smalley, SMSgt USAF (Ret); Jerry Kovach, Lt Col USAF (Ret), Anna Foster Capt USAF (Ret); Terry Galbreath, Maj USAF (Ret); Jane Newman; Lt Col USAF (Ret), Ed Kelly, SMSgt USAF (Ret); Norm Moyer, SMSgt USAF (Ret), Mike McCorkle, Major USAF (Ret), Dave Langford, SMSgt USAF (Ret), Danny O’Connell, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Tom Scalan, Lt Col USAF (Ret), Dave Austin, CMSgt USAF (Ret)

President DRENNAN called meeting to order at 0900 hours in the Old City Hangar. GAIL WHALEN our new Museum Director was welcomed, introduced and made comments.


1. FINANCIAL REPORT: Financial status as of 28 Feb 05 was presented to and accepted by the staff. Statement is attached. (WEAVER-INFO)

Cash Available: 22,923

CY 05 Income: 12,442

CY 04 Expenditures: 3,505


Feb 05

Visitors Museum Closed

Vols working this month 29

Volunteer Hours 794

Total Vols on Roll 73

Accessions 35

McKINNEY expressed his thanks to MSgt Karen KLEIN for her work on the inventory.


3. GIFT SHOP: Reopened on 8 Mar 05. (WEAVER-INFO)


ON GOING CONSTRUCTION: Humidifier for the Terminal Building HVAC system still needs to be installed. In the Hangar, the HVAC system is operational, personnel doors for the South side have been installed and northwest ADA ramp is being fabricated. Lights have been installed in the Air Park. Work on the Medal of Honor Grove is still scheduled to begin the week of 4 April 05 (weather permitting) with completion during late 05.

HAWK MISSILES AND LAUNCHER: Nothing new to report.

EQUIPMENT TURN-IN: Awaiting transportation orders from the National Museum of the Air Force to move the HU-16 prop.

CANADIAN EXHIBIT: On 7 March 05, a letter from the 21SW/CC and Col Eric Stevens of Canadian Forces, NORAD, was sent to the Air Marshall Slemon Wing directing the dismantling and removal of the Canadian exhibit from the Old City Hangar by 30 April 05. To date, no response has been received from the Slemon Wing.

5. P-47N RESTORATION: "Wild Hair" decals have been attached to the aircraft and work continues on the cockpit, seat and guns. (KOVACH-INFO)

6. EC-121T RESTORATION: Nothing new to report. (CAWOOD-INFO)

7. MARKETING: Joan SELL was unable to make the meeting (weather and road conditions). DRENNAN reported he was pleased with the planning for the ceremonies 10 Jun 2005. (DRENNAN-INFO)

8. ENCAPSULATION PROJECT: Nothing new to report. (FOSTER-INFO)

9. PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Working on the Wild Hair project and the history of the P-47N. Reported that Kurt Muller and the Stalnaker families will attend the Ceremonies. Had been in contact with the P-47 Association about an article on our aircraft. (E.NEWMAN-INFO)

10. WEBMASTER: Over 30,00 hits recorded to date-1, 600 within the last thirty days. A number of aircraft photos from the late 1960s early 1970s Peterson Flight Line have been posted on the site along with numerous updates relating to work days. (SMALLEY-INFO)

11. ICBM EXHIBIT: Framing is underway and will complete the construction phase of the Launch Control Center project. Equipment has been cleaned up. May have found a number of artifacts for the exhibit. (GRAY-INFO)

12. DOCNET PROGRAM: Although the Museum Terminal Building has only been open for a few weeks, O’CONNELL reported the visitor count has been high. Working with the HQ Protocol Office to improve communications. (O’CONNELL)


1. VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON: The 21st Space Wing’s annual appreciation luncheon will be at the Base Chapel 1100-1300 22 Apr 05 to honor all the base volunteers. No cost to the volunteers. The Museum will provide a ten percent discount in our gift shop for a one-time purchase by base volunteers. (NASH-INFO)

2. AIR SHOW BOOTH: NASH reported that the Museum could have a booth during the 4 June 2005 Base Open House. DRENNAN asked for further information but believed the Foundation would be interested in the project. (ACTION: NASH-WEAVER)

3. OUT REACH PROGRAM: Jim PALMER is looking into the details for the establishment of a Museum Out Reach Program. (WEAVER-INFO)

4. ASSOICATE MEMBERSHIP: GRAY asked that consideration be given to create an Associate membership with the Air Force Association of Misssilers. DRENNAN supported the idea. (ACTION-GRAY)

C. NEXT MEETING: 0900hrs, 29 April 2005 in the Terminal Room Briefing Room.




