SUBJECT:  Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0900hrs 26 Jun 2009


ATTENDEES:  G. W. Clark, M/G USAF (Ret) President, E. Weaver, CMSgt USAF (Ret) Secretary/Treasurer, G. Whalen, DAFC,  Curator Pete Museum,  Al Horne, USAF (Ret),  J. Brown, Lt Col USAF (Ret), E. Smalley, SMSGT USAF (Ret),  ,  E. Newman, CMSgt USAF (Ret), J. Newman, DAFC (Ret),  E. Newman, CMSGT USAF (Ret), , T. Galbreath, Major, USAF (Ret),  D. Burns,  J. Swalley, Lt USN (Ret), J. Cawood, Lt Col USAF (Ret), N. Moyer, SMSGT USAF (Ret), J. Grier, MSgt USAF (Ret), D. Austin, CMSgt USAF (Ret), J. Bowden USAF Vet, F. Stampf, Col USAF (Ret), R. Mc Clelland, Maj USAF (Ret)

1.      OPENING REMARKS:   CLARK called the meeting to order in the Conference Room.



A.    Management Review;

(1)   Minutes Approval:

-25 May 09 Minutes Approved.

(2)   Open Item: Concert in the Park.

-          Working Group met Wednesday of this week.

-          All on track.

(3)   Open Item: Orientation DVD:

-           Completed.

-          CLARK will review after meeting.

(4)   Open Item:  LCP Panel:

-           Panel maybe shipped soon. Shipping restrictions being relaxed.

(5)   Open Item:  Signage for Buildings

-          Work Order and design completed.

-          Awaiting funding

(6)   Financial Review (Weaver):

-          As of 31 May 09

-          Cash Available:  $24,558

-          Income to date:   $12,847

-          Expenditures:     $9,914

(7)   Volunteer Hours/Visitors & Web Site Numbers (Weaver/Smalley):

-          As of 31 May 09.

-          3,532 Volunteer hours to date.

-          6,080 visitors to date. (Less May)

-          Web Site

-- 111,301 Web Site Hits since 2002.

                        -  Ten accessions to date.

(8)   New Exhibit Report (Weaver)

-          Next two panel in final review.

(9)   Artifacts Restoration Work (Galbreath):

-          Found design plans for F-4/F-5 Aircraft

-          Still looking for help-lots to do. 


(1)   Curator Update (Whalen):

-          Minuteman III Missile assembled 13-14 May 09, still working on pad.

-          F-101 will be sited near base ops, work should start this fall.

-          Terminal Bldg water problems and City Hangar Door repair worked delayed for end of year funding consideration.

-          Interims working out well.

-          Expecting site visits by contractors interested in bidding on aircraft restoration.

-          Still working equipment turn-in problem.

-          CE conducted site visit Wednesday for the installation of Tiles.

-          Dead trees in Air Park removed.

-          Dead trees in Medal of Honor Grove removed and replaced.

-          New decals placed on the CF-100

-          Vela Satellite comes home next week (Been on display at the City Airport)

-          Enlisted Heritage exhibit at The Club completed (NASH)

-          New Exhibit under design for the City Airport.


(1)   July Newsletter:

-          Inputs to MC KINNEY by late June please.

(2)    J. NEWMAN opened a discussion on interactive activities for children visiting the Museum.  Need to further research the subject.

(3)   Black Gang reopened the CMOC Exhibit area.

(4)   Need to look at upgrading the windows in the Old City Hangar Windows to save heating and air conditioning costs.

(5)   Looking at replacing the TV in the Briefing Room.

(6)   KUDOs to everyone from both WHALEN and CLARK!!!!  


   Next Meeting:

(7)   0900hrs, 24 July 09, Ops Building Conference Room.





Secretary & Treasurer