SUBJECT:  Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0900hrs,

25 January 2013


ATTENDEES:  Moorhead, Wally, Lt.Gen. USAF (Ret); Austin, Dave, CMSgt, USAF (Ret); Brown, Paul, SMSgt, USAF (Ret); Burns, Dick, USA (Vet); Gray, Ron, B.Gen. USAF (Ret); Grier, John, MSgt USAF (Ret),  Guidry, Earle, Lt.Col, USAFR (Ret); Henderson, Jim, Secretary; Horne, Al, USAF (Vet); Long, Bruce, SMSgt, USAF (Ret);  McClelland, Ron,  Maj., USAF (Ret); Miller, Mike, Lt. Col, USAF (Ret);  Moyer, Norm, SMSgt, USAF (Ret); Solomon, Ron, USAF (Vet); Weaver, Ed, CMSgt, USAF (Ret); Cox, Greg, Airman, USAF;  Andrews, Martha; Whalen, Gail, DAFC, Director; Nash, Jeff, DAFC, Ass’t Director


OPENING REMARKS:  Moorhead called to meeting to order. 



A.    Management Review;

(1)   Minutes Approval: (Henderson)

-          28 September 2012 Minutes reviewed and approved.

(2)   Financial Review (Long):

-          As of 31 December 2012 Reviewed and approved. (Attached)

-          Cash Available:  $47,126

-          Income to date:   $32,807

-          Expenditures:      $26,812

-          Donations in December and so far in January above prior years due to new donation box.

(3)   Accessions, Volunteer Hours & Visitors Numbers (Whalen):

-          As of 31 December 2012.

-           No Accessions during CY 2012.

-           10,029 Volunteer hours during CY 2012.

-           22,986 Visitors during CY 2012.

(4)   F-4 Restoration (Galbreath):

-          Status of project provided by e-mail (Attached).

(5)   Web Site (McClelland):

-          19,368 hits on the PASMF Home Site during CY 2012.

-           2,460 hits on the Galaxy of Stars site during CY 2012.


ICBM Exhibit (Whalen):

-           Grand Opening on Volunteer Appreciation Day, March 4.

EC-121T Upper Radome Painting & De-ice Boots (Whalen):

-          Plan in place.  Waiting on weather.  Money designated.

Broadmoor Hangar Sign (Whalen)

-          Have sign.  Waiting on CE to install.

Broadmoor Hangar Design (Whalen)

-          Architect’s early review is expected, for comments, in two weeks.

Satellite Model Costs (for Space Exhibit) (Whalen)

-          Range from $10k to $22k depending on scale.  Will contact local model maker(s) and contractors about donating same.



2.      NEW  BUSINESS:

               Curator’s Update (Whalen)

-          Radiation survey complete.

-          Volunteer Appreciation Day Ceremony is set for 1330 hrs on Monday, March 4 in the City Hangar.  Family and friends are invited.

-          Martha Andrews, a new volunteer, and A1C Greg Cox, USAF who is temporarily assigned to PASM for three days a week, were introduced.

Open Discussion

-          Dave Austin volunteered to write a piece for GO Magazine about PASM.

-          Ceremonial use of the City Hangar is usually limited to one day a week and only half the day to minimize disruption of visitors.

-          Earle Guidry passed on that the 302 AW would be interested in working with us on exhibits.








   22 February2013, 0900h, Museum Conference Room



James H Henderson
