SUBJECT: Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Strategic Planning Session,
24 Sep 2002
ATTENDEES: Jerry "Mike" Drennan, Brig Gen USAF (Ret), President, Robert "Bob" Keonig Jr, Col USAF (Ret), Vice President, Edward W. Weaver, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Secretary/Treasurer, Jim Palmer, Col USAF (Ret), Director of Membership, Scott Lee, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Crew Chief EC-121T, Don Fulkerson, CMSgt USAF(Ret), Crew Chief Gift Shop, Terry Sullivan, Board Member, President & CEO CS Convention & Visitors Bureau, Will Temby, Board Member & Member CS Chamber of Commerce, Erv Smalley, SMSgt USAF (Ret), Museum Webb Master & F-106A Crew Chief, Ernie Newman, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Director of Public Affairs, Dr Mary Elizabeth Ruwell, Museum Curator, DAFC and Roy Giggs, Col USAF (Ret) USAF, Director of Plans and Programs.
1. Meeting was called to order by President Mike Drennan at 0815hrs, 24 Sept 02, at the El Pomar House. Bob Keonig gave a brief overview of the purpose of the Strategic Planning Session.
2. MEMBERSHIP: Jim Palmer outlined four levels of membership and phase approach to recruiting objectives. Discussion and recommendations were numerous. Inputs will be used to refine the Foundation’s membership recruitment activities.
a. Terry Sullivan will assist in the redesign of the Foundation’s Letterhead.
b. Don Fulkerson & Ed Weaver will look at design of Membership Pin
c. Jim Palmer will finalize membership recruitment approach.
3. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: Ed Weaver presented the Foundation’s Organizational Chart.
a. Does Director of Public Affairs include Marketing? (Newman/Drennan)
b. Need to partner with the USAFA Visitor’s Center. (Newman)
c. Need to develop Museum Webb Site. (Smalley)
d. Need to develop Crew Chief structure for all Museum Aircraft and Missiles (Weaver).
e. Does the Foundation need a Director of Volunteer Support (Weaver/Drennan)
f. The A.K.A. of the Foundation should be "The Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation." (Weaver)
g. Need a "Space Observer" article about Museum Volunteers and Projects to recruit more members (Newman)
4. BUDGET: Ed Weaver presented Museum’s operating budget through the end of
CY 2002. Inputs will be required to develop a logical and fiscal responsible budget for CY 2003.
a. Need to have a CPA assists in the development of budget controls and documentation. (Timby/Weaver)
b. Look into Officer’s and Director Liability Insurance for the Foundation. (Weaver)
5. VISION STATEMENT: The group concluded to following: "To make the Peterson Air & Space Museum the premier museum in the United States Air Force."
6. MISSION STATEM:ENT The group was unable to complete work on a Mission Statement.
ACTION: Dr Ruwell will rework the mission statement and present at next meeting.
7. FUNDING PRIORITIES: Time limited lengthy discussion about priorities. Action Plans containing realistic funding and time times had not been completed.
ACTION: Complete action plans for all museum projects. (Griggs)
8. WRAP-UP: Mike Drennan concluded the meeting with some open discussion on fundraising activities. He will provide this information to the Board of Directors. Drennan thank everyone for their suggestion, recommendations and hard work. Meeting was adjourned at 1145 hours.
PA&SM Foundation