SUBJECT: Peterson Air & Space Museum Volunteers Staff Meeting, 21 Mar 2003
ATTENDEES: Jerry "Mike" Drennan, Brig Gen USAF (Ret), Robert "Bob" Koenig Jr, Col, USAF (Ret), Vice President, Edward W. Weaver, CMSgt USAF (Ret) Secretary/Treasurer, Col Charles "Sam" Bateman, 21SW, Ron Gray, Brig Gen USAF (Ret), Director Of Operations, Ernie Newman, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Dr Ruwell, Curator, MSgt Jim Mesco, SWC/HO, Elizabeth Edwards, Frank Stampf, S. Park Demings, Foundation Board Member, Jack McKinney, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Mike McCorkle, 21SW/MU
1. Meeting was called to order by President DRENNAN at 0900 hours in the Old City Hangar.
a. FINANCE REPORT: Financial status as of 21 Mar 2003 was presented to and accepted by the staff. (WEAVER-INFO)
21 Mar 2003 $19095.17 (Cash on hand)
Income: 2,327.70
Expenditures: 5,064.70
b. BOMARC: Dedication Ceremony scheduled for 1000, 30 May 2003. DRENNAN, GRAY and WEAVER will work details. GRAY will notify AAFMs of time and date. (OPEN:GRAY).
c. CITY HANGAR DESIGN: (BATEMAN) AF Form 9 signed by 21SW/FM. RFP should be completed next week. (OPEN: GRAY).
d. AIRPARK EXPANSION: Meeting with 21 CES scheduled for 1100, today. Design will be presented to the Wing Facilities Utilization Board in mid May. (OPEN: GRAY).
e. F-106 RADOME: 21SW/CV signed letter to 144FW, CA ANG, requesting assistance to repair the radome. Plans are to remove the radome and ship to Fresno for repair. Worldwide Recovery will be asked to look into how the radome can be removed when they bring the BOMARC back.(OPEN: RUWELL)
f. HAWK LAUNCHER: World Wide Recovery will visit China Lake NAS within the next dew days and provide an estimate cost for transport of launcher to Peterson AFB. (OPEN-RUWELL)
g. EQUIPMENT TURN-IN: Need to have meeting with AFSPC/HO, Col BATEMAN, DRENNAN, and GRAY to discuss the delay in equipment turn-in. (OPEN-DRENNAN)
h. P-47N: Good progress. May use some P-47N volunteers to work on the EC-121T. Next work day is 5 Apr 03. (INFO-McCORKLE).
i. EC-121T: Aircraft main entrance door requires immediate attention and is working with AIRINC for repairs. Bird control well under way. Tips tanks need to be removed and repainted. Floor panel's clips have been repaired. Three seats removed for seat covers/replacement (NEWMAN). (INFO-McCORKLE)
j. ACCESSION/ARTIFACTS RM: 139 more items have been accessed, 150 magazines documented. Inventory (MCKINNEY) being worked and completed through 1987 with 690 items accounted for. Most uniforms have been boxed for proper storage. Much more work required to correct several inventory listing. DRENNAN thanks EDWARDS, MCKINNEY, and DEMING for their many hours and hard work. (INFO: EDWARDS/MCKINNEY)
k. MEMBERSHIP: Muir Agency has completed the Foundations Tri-Fold and we received 20,000 copies. Membership Pins have been received. (OPEN-PALMER)
m. PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Working on EC-121T tape. Planning visits to several other area museums. Working on Volunteer article for base newspaper. (INFO-NEWMAN)
n. SPECIAL EVENT: Event being planned for July 2003. Date will depend on the availability of the Band of the Rockies. Planning will begin for a Museum Supported general aviation fly-in during 2005-2006 time frame. STEMPF will do talking paper and Col BATEMAN will obtain WG POC. Also, will look at cost and procedures in obtaining loan of artifacts from the Air & Space Museum. (OPEN-STAMPF)
a. VOLUNTEERS: RUWELL thanked Jeff NASH for his e-mail to the 21SW staff requesting museum volunteers. Several new volunteers have been recruited as a result of his effort. (INFO)
b. VOLUNTEER HOURS: Need to provide hours monthly to ALLMAN-MESCO. So far more than 2,000 volunteer hours have been documented for CY 2002. (INFO-MESCO)
c. VOLUNTEER LUNCHEON: Base Volunteer Recognition Luncheon is scheduled for 1130, 29 Apr 03, at the Enlisted Club. More information to follow. (OPEN-RUWELL)
d. M/GEN METCALF VISIT: USAF Museum Director Major General (Ret) Metcalf will visit the Peterson Museum 5 Apr 03. BATEMAN asked RUWELL to obtain agenda for visit. DRENNAN asked to be included in any planning for the visit.
4. NEXT MEETING: 0900 hours, 25 April 2003, Old City Hangar.
PA&S Museum Foundation