SUBJECT: Peterson Air & Space Museum Volunteers Staff Meeting, 23 Jan 04

ATTENDEES: Ron Gray, Brig Gen USAF (Ret), Vice President, Ed Weaver, CMSgt USAF (Ret) Secretary/Treasurer, Dr Mary Elizabeth Ruwell, Museum Director, Elizabeth Edwards, S. Park Demings, Foundation Board Member, Mike McCorkle, Assistant Director, Jack McKinney, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Ernie Newman, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Jim Palmer, Col USAF (Ret), Don Fulkerson, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Frank Stampf, Col USAF (Ret), John Grier, SMSgt USAF (Ret), Erv Smalley, SMSgt USAF (Ret), Scott Lee, CMsgt USAF (Ret), Dave Austin, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Frank Wisneski, Col USAF (Ret), Cynthia Frasier, TSgt USAF, Chuck Beall, USAF (Ret), Terry Galbreath, USAF (Ret)

A. Meeting was called to order by Vice President Gray (President Mike Drennan TDY) at 0900 hours in the Old City Hangar. MCKINNEY introduced new volunteer Chuck BEALL to the group. He will work on the primary on the CM COC exhibit.

B. OLD BUSINESS: Financial status as of 31 Dec 03 was presented to and accepted by the staff. Statement is attached. Significant donations were: Broadmoor Hotel-$1,000, George Merryman, Col USAF (Ret) (Former EC-121 pilot) $500. (WEAVER-INFO)

CY 03 Income: 22,242

CY 03 Expenditures: 27,448

Cash on Hand: 17,873


December CY 03

Visitors 523 11,353

Volunteer Hours 961 9,792

Volunteers working this month 42 93

Accessions 585 1,948 (841 MS items)


2. Gift Shop: Reworking CY 03 inventory. Data lost due to bad disk. Working on new baseball caps with the Museum Logo. (GRIER-INFO)

3. PUBLIC AFFAIRS: B-17 Ceremony scheduled for 1400 hrs 17 Feb 04 in the Terminal Building. All members are invited. Providing pictures and information about the Museum to a Magazine in Poland. (NEWMAN-INFO)

4. HANGAR DESIGN: RUWELL has a copy of the completed design. GRAY asked to see it. (RUWELL-INFO)

5. AIR DEFENSE EXHIBIT: Six display cases have been completed by the Black Gang and are in place. A number of Art Work has been displayed. Artifacts are being sorted for display. (McKINNEY-INFO)

6. HAWK MISSILES: The China Lake Museum Curator will transfer two HAWK Missiles to Peterson. RUWELL has already contacted the AF Museum about the transfer and is working on transportation. (RUWELL-INFO)

7. P-47N: The Aircraft will be painted in Aug 04 with the help of the CA ANG (Bill Emery). Preparation work is on schedule to meet this date. McCORKLE indicated that the 302AW will provide an individual (using our Man Days) to assist in restoration efforts. GRAY asked that funds be fenced for the project). (RUWELL&WEAVER-ACTION)

8. EC-121T: Cold weather has reduced work on the Aircraft. During the next BCE scheduled Base Power Outage, power will be connected to the Aircraft. (McCORKLE-INFO)

9. WEB SITE: 10,200 plus hits on the Site. Recent increase is credited with new information on the site about the EC-121T. (SMALLEY-INFO)

10. EQUIPMENT TURN-IN: RUWELL reported that the AF Museum had given approval to the Museum to de-access the MILSTAR equipment and two other consoles. (RUWELL-INFO)

11. TERMINAL WW II EXHIBIT: GRAY reported exhibit construction on schedule. Most non-period items have been removed. New floor and display plans have been completed. (GRAY-INFO)

12. ICBM EXHIBIT: GRAY reported that two TDYs in Feb 04 by Volunteers to FE Warren to ID and transport a complete string of Minuteman II Launch Control Center equipment. The LCC will be the center piece for our ICBM exhibit. (GRAY-INFO)

13. SPACE OPERATIONS EXHIBIT: GRAY reported that he had contacted the 50SW Commander asking for assistance in the construction of the new exhibit. She has agreed to assist. Details to be worked out. (GRAY-INFO)

14. MEMBERSHIP: PALMER reported that he is working with both the local AFA & Daelalians Chapters in an effort to recruit new Museum members. (PALMER-INFO)

15. STRATEGIC PLAN: Draft copy of the SP has been completed. The working group will meet 24 Jan 04 for another review of the plan. (FULKERSON-INFO)


1. AIR FORCES ICELAND REUNION: McKINNEY reported that he has been in contact with the AFI Reunion working group. Discussion is about the Museum's involvement with the Reunion during their May 05 visit to the Colorado Springs area. Details to follow. (McKINNEY-INFO)

2. SPECIAL EVENTS: Sunset in the Park will again be hosted by the Wing and the Foundation during September 2004. Same format as 2003, however we may consider doing the P-47N Dedication Ceremony during this event. Date is being worked and the Wing will request the AFA Band. (STAMPF)

The Events working group also approved additional planning to host a fund raising Big Band Dance" in the Hangar during May 2005. We may be able to align this with the AFI Reunion. (STAMPF-ACTION)

3. BOEING DISPLAY: RUWELL provided some information about the purposed Boeing Exhibit, A day in the Life of the Military." The exhibit may be here in the hangar from 15 May thru 30 Jun 03. GRAY asked that she get more information in order that we can make what ever plans are necessary. (RUWELL-ACTION)

4. F-106 DROP TANKS: SMALLEY asked RUWELL for status on the request to obtain F-106 drop tanks for our aircraft. RUWELL did not have any new information but will check. (RUWELL-ACTION)

5. F-16: SMALLEY asked RUWELL about the status of our request to AF Museum for an F-16. RUWELL indicated that the Museum has never requested an F-16 but that she had forwarded a draft letter for the 21SW/CC to update our "Wish List" and the F-16 is included. (RUWELL-ACTION)

6. F-101B & F-104A DISPLAYS: McCORKLE reported that during an inspection of both Aircraft, serious safety problems were noted and it would appear that both Aircraft are in danger of falling. The matter has been referred to the Wing Safety Office for evaluation. (McCORKLE-ACTION)

7. P-47 GUN CAMERA FILM) GRAY asked E NEWMAN if he can obtain gun camera film from any P-47 aircraft that might be used to support our P-47N exhibit. (E.NEWMAN-ACTION)

8. T-33A: Our extra T-33A (north of the hangar) will be turn over (AF Museum has approved) to the Base Fire Department for training activities. The Tip Tanks will be turned over the ND ANG (they will pick them up). The ND ANG may help us remove the F-101B & F-104A from their sticks if necessary. (McCORKLE-ACTION)

E. CLOSING REMARKS: Next meeting will be 0900hrs, 5 Mar 04, Old City Hangar. Volunteer of the Year-2003 (Elizabeth Edwards) luncheon will be at 1100hrs, 23 Jan 04, at Solo's.


