SUBJECT: Peterson Air & Space Museum Volunteers Staff Meeting, 17 Sept 04
ATTENDEES: Mike Drennan, Brig Gen USAF (Ret) President, Ron Gray, Brig Gen USAF (Ret), Vice President, Ed Weaver, CMSgt USAF (Ret) Secretary/Treasurer, Mike McCorkle, Museum Director, Jack McKinney, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Ernie Newman, CMSgt USAF (Ret), Frank Wisneski, Col USAF (Ret), John Cawood, Lt Col USAF (Ret), Charlie McCarthy, Col USAF (Ret), Bob Emmons, Col USAF (Ret), Jim Palmer, Col USAF (Ret), Erg Smalley, SMSgt USAF (Ret), Frank Stamp, Col USAF (Ret), Larry Thomas, SMSgt USAF (Ret), Larry Flynn, Col USAF (Ret), Bob Koenig, Col USAF (Ret), Parks Deming, Member Board of Directors,
Meeting was called to order by President DRENNAN at 0900 hours in the Old City Hangar.
1. FINANCIAL REPORT: Financial status as of 31 Aug 04 was presented to and accepted by the staff. Foundation continues to suffer a negative cash flow. Statement is attached. (WEAVER-INFO)
Cash Available: 13,592
CY 04 Income: 14,743
CY 04 Expenditures: 17,011
July Aug
Visitors 1,464 1,182
Voles working this month 49 36
Volunteer Hours 851 1242
Total Voles on Roll 78 76
Accessions 35 45
THOMAS volunteered to take over duties as Volunteer Coordinator.
3. GIFT SHOP: June sales were 1,632 dollars (record for one month sales). Shop has been stocked for Sunset in the Park. (WEAVER-INFO)
P-47N RESTORATION: Two person crew from the 144 FIS, Fresno ANGB, CA, completed painting the aircraft during the first week of Aug 04. Gen Webber visited and tour the Museum to thank the volunteers and crews for their 3 year restoration project (more and 2,200 hours). We are still working on the cockpit.
HAWK MISSILES AND LAUNCHER: Working with 21 CONS to contract out the restoration of the launcher.
EC-121T RESTORATION: Numerous addition interior items have been purchased and placed on board the aircraft. (CAWOOD-INFO)
EB-57E RESTORATION: Five person VT ANG crew completed the painting of the aircraft during the first two weeks of Sept 04. All costs for the project were covered by the VTANG unit. Letters for both Gen Webber and Drennan will be prepared. We will place decals on the aircraft during the week of 20 Sept 04. This will allow paint to gas out.
HVAC TERMINAL BUILDING: During site survey for the installation of a donated HVAC system, asbestos was found in both the north and south wings of the building. We are awaiting further information and guidance from the 21 CES.
OLD CITY HANGAR: 21 CES working to complete design for required upgrades inside the hangar by mid Sept 04 to allow for any available end of year funding.
AIR DEFENSE EXHIBIT: AD Timeline completed and installed. Working on signage. (MCKINNEY-INFO)
ICBM EXHIBIT: In the process of obtaining an interactive panel that can produce a number of functions that would be found or heard in an LCC. Search for pictures with little success so far. (GRAY-INFO)
CMOC EXHIBIT: Working group was hosted by BGen Deal for a tour of the Center. Lt Col Webb was appointed as a POC to the working group to assist. Already a number of items have been ID for transfer to the Museum. EMMONS-INFO)
MISSILE WARNING/SURVEILLANCE: Construction of a new type wall is under way. This design will be used through out the Hangar. ALERT display should be moved from the Terminal Building within the next two weeks. VETLA satellite will be added to the exhibit. May have found a DSP Model. (FLYNN-INFO)
6. MEMBERSHIP: Membership and Paver table will be manned during the Sunset in the Park event. To attract people, we will also give away posters that are excess to our needs. (PALMER-INFO)
7. SPECIAL EVENTS: End of Runway Check for Sunset in the Park accomplished just prior to this meeting. No show stopper ID. KOENIG INFO)
8. PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Signage in placed for Sunset in the Park. Working with Wing PA staff to improve newspaper coverage. (E.NEWMAN-INFO)
9. DOCENT PROGRAM: O'CONNELL has assumed duties as Director of DOCENT Operations. Excellent progress. We have established an outstanding core of Docent's and developed a duty roster to ensure we have a least one Docent in place every day. A training video has been completed to enhance information flow. MCCORKLE thanked the efforts of the volunteers and indicated without their assistance, the Museum would have been closed many days due to lack of manpower.
10. WEBMASTER: Numerous new items (New WW II Pete Field pictures, painting of both P-47 and EB-57s, pavers, Gen Hartinger profile) have been placed on the site recording the many recent activities within the Museum. 20,387 hits to date. SMALLEY encouraged any one with ideas of information for the site to contact him. (SMALLEY-INFO)
1. STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION: Scheduled for October, date TBD. (INFO)
2. HANGAR UPGRADE: The Black Gang (with the assistance of the Missile Warning working group) painted all the hangar walls. (INFO)
3. NATIONAL POW/MIA DAY: The Wing's ceremony was conducted at the west entrance to the Museum on 14 Sep 04. (INFO)
TOUR GROUP: 300 school children will tour the Museum today. (INFO)
D. NEXT MEETING: 0900hrs, 29 October 04 in the Old City Hangar.