Air Defense Galaxy of Stars
To become a member of the Galaxy of Stars, any military member of the United States Air Force, Army, Navy or Marines as well as Canadian Forces personnel who ever served in an air defense unit are invited to become honorees in the following manner:
- If possible, provide clearly identifiable photographs in authorized uniforms.
- Provide full name and highest rank attained.
- Provide job titles, AFSC/MOS (brief description of duties if desired).
- Provide unit designation and location for the assigned air defense units. (You may include non-air defense assignments in the “Comments” fields. Submissions may be edited and will be appropriately displayed within the Air Defense Exhibit at the Peterson Air and Space Museum for visitors to view.
Use the On-line Form below to submit information, or click the pdf or Word icon below for a printable form to print and submit to: Galaxy of Stars, Peterson Air and Space Museum, 150 East Ent Avenue, Peterson SFB, CO 80914.
- Galaxy of Stars Honoree Input (NOTE: If you had more than 5 Air Defense assignments, just make additional submissions until all are submitted.)