SUBJECT: Minutes of Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0901hrs, 29 September 2014
ATTENDEES: Brown, John, Lt. Col, USAF (Ret); Harris, Jim, SMSgt USAF (Ret); Henderson, Jim, Secretary; Kleveno, Al, USN (Vet); McClelland, Ron, Maj., USAF (Ret); Miller, Mike, Lt. Col, USAF (Ret); Moyer, Norm, SMSgt, USAF (Ret); Pfennig, Tonya, USA (Vet); Whalen, Gail, DAFC.
OPENING REMARKS: Meeting called to order by Henderson
– Management Review;
a. Minutes Approval: (Henderson)
– 25 August 14 Meeting Minutes reviewed.
b. Financial Review (Henderson):
– Financials at 31 August 14 reviewed.
- Cash on hand $44,160; YTD Aug 31 Operating Income $18,113, YTD Aug 31 Operating Expense $25,250.
c. Accessions, Volunteer Hours & Visitors Numbers (Henderson):
– Volunteer Hours: 6,632 YTD Aug 14 v 5,943 YTD Aug 13
– Visitors: 18,901 YTD Aug 14 v 14,038 YTD Jul 13 (STEM Fair in both numbers).
d. Web Site (McClelland):
– Website Hits (& GOS): 21,479 YTD Aug 14 v 15,358 YTD Aug 13
– Facebook views: 15,185 YTD Aug 14
Note: The ADC Galaxy of Stars is no longer isolated on the website. So historical GOS numbers have been incorporated into the website hits number. There were three new honorees added in August.
e. Open Items:
– None
– Curator Update
- Photos from Terry Galbreath of engine nacelles for F-4 model were shown.
- Fall-out money from 21SW will permit complete re-paint of the F-86, F-89, F-15, F-4, CF-100 and T-33. Partial re-paint will be accomplished on the P-40 and CF-101 plus the glare shield of the EC-121.
- The CF-18A is expected in the summer of 2015. It will be a single seat version which has seen combat.
- The Terminal building will get new rear doors soon.
- The schedule for retirements in the City Hangar is completely full for the rest of 2014. Group tours are still being accepted.
- Whalen’s work schedule is changed: Will work Saturdays and take Mondays off. Plans are to put her schedule on the members- only part of the website.
- Closing of the museum on Saturdays is being strongly considered due to a continuing lack of docents for that day.
- Projects in the City Hangar will be done soon. If you have comments on exhibits or oral presentations, let Whalen know.
PASMF Fundraising
Henderson gave a synopsis of the recent meeting with Steve Bartolin, CEO of the Broadmoor, and members of the Board’s Development Committee concerning the fundraising effort for the Broadmoor Hangar Renovation.
Open Discussion
Meeting adjourned 1000 hrs.
27 October 2014, 0900 hrs in the museum meeting room.
James H Henderson