SUBJECT: Minutes of Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0900hrs,
29 August 2016
ATTENDEES: Austin, Dave; Brown, John; Burns, Dick; Deal, Duane; Henderson, Jim; Long, Bruce; Miller, Mike; Mogel, Jake; Moyer, Norm; Silber, Carl; Yepez, Linda; Whalen, Gail, DAFC, Director; Nash, Jeff, DAFC, Deputy Director.
OPENING REMARKS: Meeting called to order at 0900.
No changes in minutes of July meeting.
Treasurer Long presented the July 2016 financial report: Revenue $3,975; Expense $2,203; Net Income $1,172; Cash in bank $49,662 for operations and $19,228 for Broadmoor Hangar Renovation.
Henderson presented the July statistics: volunteer hours 5,695 YTD Jul v 5,593 in 2015, visitors YTD Jul 13,502 v 10,717 in 2015, Website visits YTD Jul 25,495 v 21,757 in 2015, Facebook visits YTD Jul 156,693 v 33,509 in 2015.
Curator Update (Whalen)
Problems with the base wi-fi system have necessitated shutting down the on-line visitor requests temporarily.
Foreign visitor requests now require 48 hours notice (to ck passports) vs the 24 hours notice for US civilians.
The recent hail storm resulted in damage to all our aircraft. Eight aircraft are on our priority list for repair. Total aircraft damage is estimated at nearly $400,000. There was some window damage and flooding in buildings. Thanks to docents who showed up to help the clean up.
Flooding in the terminal basement will require moving the Museum Store stock over to the Broadmoor Hangar on a permanent basis.
Painting of the meeting room in the Broadmoor Hangar will start soon.
New Peterson Museum baseball caps (tan top, blue bill) for docents, courtesy of a PASMF Board member, are complimentary and are in the Museum Store.
Long commented that as many as 45 of the tiles around the museum entrance were damaged by the hail storm and need to be replaced. Info yet to come.
Please do not re-arrange items in the Museum Store. Replenishment of stock, however, is okay.
Meeting adjourned at 1000 hours.
Next meeting: 26 September at 0900 hrs.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Henderson, Secretary.