SUBJECT: Minutes of Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0900hrs,
30 October 2017.
Meeting convened in the City Hangar.
ATTENDEES: Brown, John; Burns, Dick; Henderson, Jim; Howells, Glyn; Howells, Phyllis; Long, Bruce; Mogel, Jake; Miller, Mike; Moyer, Norm; Silber, Carl; Yepez, Linda; Whalen, Gail, DAFC, Director; Nash, Jeffery, DAFC, Deputy Director.
Opening Remarks: Meeting called to order by Henderson at 0903.
No changes in minutes of 28 August meeting. There was no September meeting due to the Regional Air Show.
Treasurer Long discussed financials as of 30 September 17. YTD income $27,681, Expense $13,853, Cost of Goods Sold $18169, net $(4,341). Cash: $49,000 operations, $26,666 Broadmoor Hangar Renovation. Most expenses are for exhibits. Air Show receipts $1,300.
Henderson did the numbers: YTD 30 September volunteer hours 6,733 v 7,446 year earlier; visitor numbers 12,934 v 17,430, Website hits 27,902 v 31,475 and Facebook reaches 136,924 v 198,433.
Curator’s Update – Whalen
• Repair and paint of F-94 and F-4 done. P-40 almost done, CF-100 next. The F-104 will be done in Vietnam service colors
• The reading rail material for the EC-121 is done.
• We have three new volunteer docents.
• Still looking for contractor to fix wall in CMAFS exhibit.
• Winter hours starting November 1 will be 1000 – 1500. Will run through March.
• We are supposed to be getting a communications satellite model.
• Gail and Jeff may have to go to Thule to help with the museum there. Short visit.
A Space Command mission brief, including its history, was viewed on the computer.
Meeting adjourned at 1045 hours.
Respectfully submitted,