0900 Monday 26 March 2018
Broadmoor Hangar Meeting room
0900 CALL TO ORDER – Called to order at 0900.
Attendees: Gail Whalen(DAFC), Jeff Nash (Deputy DAFC), Dick Burns, John Brown, Jim Henderson, Glyn Howells, Phyllis Howells, Bruce Long, Ron McClelland, Norm Moyer, Errol Reiner, Ron Solomon, Linda Yepez, Danielle Way
Management Review
1. 28 February minutes approved once Visitor numbers added
2. Treasurer Long discussed 31 March financials. YTD income $6,430. March income $2,493, expenses $1,788, Cost of Goods sold $1,367, Net ($661), Cash $90,453, Operations $50,870, BH renovation account $39,582.
3. This is Bruce Long’s final year as Treasurer. Need replacement. He will stay on to train. Search continues for his replacement.
4. 2018 Volunteer hours. Museum continues to have a 4.8 out of 5.0 Visitor rating.
Jan 2018 | 612 | 775 | 1,891 | 10,072 |
Feb 2018 | 614 | 1,208 | 1,445 | 5,236 |
Mar 2018 | 696 | 1,714 | 2,293 | 96,725 |
Mar 2017 | 798 | 1,798 | 3,104 | 18,875 | -102 | -84 | -811 | +77,850 |
5. Website: Our web traffic continues to be down. TASK. In order to increase it, Ron is going to initiate a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) effort to make our web site more attractive and to provide more information for the web traffic.
6. Facebook: Total Reaches for February 2018: 96,725 (Nash published 25 posts to the page on March 18). One of the biggest reasons for the huge spike from last month is a post published on March 25th for Women’s History Month. Subject matter was the “first all-female Minuteman ICBM combat crew to stand alert”. Nearly 43,000 reaches, a new record. Also set records for the most viewer engagements (likes, shares, etc.) of any post ever put on the page.
7. Curator update
a. TASK. Schedule another air park walk through with the 21st Space Wing Commander and his CE folks to see what they can do to expedite the upgrade/update the Museum and air park. Additional funding would be required from the 21st Space Wing
b. Summer hours (9 am to 4 pm) begin on Tuesday 4/3
c. Mitchell High School Jr ROTC visit cancelled. TASK. to be rescheduled
d. TASK. Need “all hands” support for the NORAD 60th anniversary event on Saturday 12 May. Starts at 10 am, DOCENT arrival time 0900. Park in the BH parking lot
e. TASK. Large groups scheduled for 4/18, Jr. ROTC and StellarXplorers, one in morning and one in afternoon, may need additional DOCENT support
f. TASK. DOCENTS, continue to need additional support for Saturday tours. Signup sheet is located in DOCENT office
g. TASK. Obtain and review the new Museum video script
h. TASK. Schedule repair and paint of the EC-121 doors and hatches. Repair and paint the access stairs at the same time. Funded. (Whalen, Long)
i. TASK. Hire a re-model company to fix/remove/repair walls in hanger. Funded. (Whalen/Long). Level height of walls in Cheyenne Mountain exhibit area
j. Discussed having DOCENTS send out copies of the Museum newsletter to friends, etc. once it has been approved/published
k. Added four new people, Bob Miller, Rosa Sanchez
l. Several DOCENTS are either still out of pocket or will be back within a couple weeks. DOCENT support outlook is looking better
1. TASK. Due to current environment, all DOCENTS need to review Force Protection plans, memorize building numbers and street locations, Security Police # is 556-4000 (DOCENTS).
2. Take picture of available DOCENTS after 4/30 staff meeting with the “Flag of Excellence”
3. Discussed setting up a Space Foundation tour of their facility.
4. TASK. Looking for a college intern
21st Space Wing briefing presented and reviewed.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:30