1100 Monday August 26 2019
Broadmoor Hangar Meeting room

0900 CALL TO ORDER – 0900

Attendees: Bruce Long, Ron McClelland, Gail Whalen (DAFC), Errol Reiner, Glyn Howells, Phyllis Howells, Jim Henderson, Mike Miller, Ron Solomon, Jake Mogel, John Brown, Linda Yepez, Lydia Todd, Dick Burns

Management Review
o July Financial Review – Approved
o July Minutes Review – Approved
o Visitors – 2557
o Volunteer hours – 679

PASM Director’s report
o Gail travel to Thule – 10/30 – 11/11
o With the bad weather, continue to look for leaks in the various buildings on the campus.
o Museum closed this Friday, 09/30
o Museum will continue to be closed on Saturdays
o Generator to be maintained for use at Air Show
o Two new volunteers have been identified

City Hanger Update
New floor plan continues to be updated
Start moving walls and exhibits in Oct 2019
Paint floor after cleaning rafters
Scheduled for finish in Jan/Feb timeframe

Broadmoor Hanger expansion/development:
Discussions continue with potential modernization of BH.
Will spend up to $95K this year for the charrette which will result in a project and funding document for 2020/2021 budget.

Broadmoor Hangar Exterior Upgrades
Keep current office space
Completed-vestibule replacement, positive drainage, overgrown plants removed, new landscaping installed
– In the works – exterior paint repairs including replacing stucco where needed

Aircraft painting/restoration
Fully funded for 2018/2019 – Repair and painting will resume when weather stabilizes
2018 – Canberra – upgrade continues.
2019 – Shooting Star, Delta Dagger, Hornet, Voodoo, BOMARC
New contractor has been awarded the repair and painting of the Museum aircraft

Aircraft signage replaced by base contract -F-94 Starfire, F-89 Scorpion, T-33 Shooting Star, Nike HAWK, BOMARC, Nike Hercules.
Still due: EB-57 Canberra, CF-100 Canuck, Nike Ajax, F-4 Phantom

Due to be completed with PASM Foundation funding: F-104 Starfighter, P-40 Warhawk
Includes fabrication of the sign structure (Arms Inc., -Frank), graphics (Diane artist) – and vinyl sign production (Microcrafts)

Vietnam Exhibit is open
Medal of Honor Park Update
CE structure evaluated and determined the sidewalks and wall structures are failing and need complete repair.

CE will install the commemorative tiles in place of the existing tiles on the MOH back wall, but only after repairs have been made. 2020 project – 21 SW funds

National Listing:
Don’t get rid of anything that relates to NORAD.

Admin folks are being pulled from many units on base. New building will be built where the softball diamonds are currently located.

Presidents Report
o Need to re-energize the volunteers and do more of the Foundation’s business
o Need to identify a Docent Coordinator to liaison between Museum staff, Foundation Officers and volunteers.
o February Financial report approved, should we lose our space in BH, we will need to contact Donors to see where they want to shift their donations.
o February Minutes approved
o Use web site that is available
o Increase effort to recruit new volunteers/Docents
o Identify organizations that might have folks that would volunteer
Regional Pikes Peak Air Show, 21-22 Sep
o Set up:
o Meet at 0900 on 20 Sep at the museum store.
o We will transport tables, chairs, and store merchandise to the museum tent at the air show
o We need to load the golf cart, charger, and generator to the air show (Gail has arranged for someone to transport these, as well as the tables)
o Sat & Sunday:
o Ramp opens at 0630 to do daily setup.
o Ramp is open to vehicles 0630-0730, at which time all vehicles muse leave ramp
o Air Show ends at 1600
o Public should be off the ramp by 1645, when ramp opens for a short time to help with nightly shutdown
o Ramp closes to all personnel at 1730
o Tear Down is Monday morning. AIl: We need to establish a time to meet up and get everything moved back to the museum.

Wrist Bands:
o I have the museum’s wrist bands for the air show. We will pass them out this next week. Any not distributed will be passed to Phyllis and Glynn, since I will be out of town from 17 Sep until late on 20 Sep
o We need to record the name of each person with a wrist band. I need that to give to Joan Sell on Wed, 11 Nov. I will use the names on the sign-up sheets. In addition I will update the sign-up sheets on Friday to include a space to record the band number with each name.
o Each volunteer working on Saturday or Sunday gets one band, even if they are working multiple shifts and/or both days.
o If you band gets destroyed, you can get a new one from the admissions team located in the ADAG building. They should have your name and can replace the badge.
o Park in the Concessionaires parking lot. I am looking into signs that go into the car to indicate you can park in the concessionaire lot.
o On Saturday and Sunday, entrance for our volunteers is through the concessions entrance.

Museum Store:
Friday, 20 Sep
o Register and Donation Box will be settled as is normally done on Friday
o The remaining funds in the cash register will be removed and saved in plastic bags until after the Air show
o Lydia will withdraw $300 to $400 from the bank to set up the cash register for the air show
o Will include sufficient coins to support making change over the two days of the air show
o The register needs to be set up to collect sales tax starting on Saturday. Directions will be provided, and Glynn will turn on sales tax collection
o The Square card reader, cash register, and Wi-Fi hotspot will be taken to the tent and set up for use at the air show.

Sat/Sun 21/22 Sep
o Lydia will set up the register funds on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
o I will collect the funds at the close of each day and take them to Lydia

o Return the Cash Register, Wi-Fi, and square card reader to the store and set them up for use.
o The register will have the funds that were set aside placed back into the cash register.
o Sales Tax
• Sales tax is required to be collected at the Air show
• Lydia is arranging to get the special event sales tax licenses. She will provide me with the license numbers assigned so I can provide them to the Air Show accountants
o Special needs folks will attend on Friday between Noon and 3 pm
o Ramp open at 0630
o Air Show meeting on 9/4
Open action items
o What is the status of the Museum banners?
o Will the space kiosks be located in the museum tent, or at the education area?
o What is the status of servicing the generator?
o Who is going to make that happen?
o Take water to tent
o Need a full gas can for the generator for each day at the air show

o Orten family trust – $16,511.00
o Review Emergency procedures checklist
o Schedule Space Foundation visit

Closing Remarks
o Next meeting is Monday 30 September at 0900 in the BH

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