SUBJECT: Minutes of Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0900hrs,
26 June 2017. Meeting convened in the City Hangar.
ATTENDEES: Burns, Dick; Henderson, Jim; Howells, Glyn; Howells, Phyllis; McClelland, Ron; Miller, Mike; Silber, Carl; Reiner, Errol; Whalen, Gail, DAFC, Director; Nash, Jeffery, DAFC, Deputy Director.
Opening Remarks: Meeting called to order by Henderson at 0900.
No changes in minutes of 22 May meeting.
Henderson (for Long) discussed financials as of 31 May 17. YTD income $10,600, Expense $5,047, Cost of Goods Sold $6,719, net $(1,167). Cash: $49,970 operations, $25,435 Broadmoor Hangar Renovation.
Henderson did the numbers: YTD 31 May volunteer hours 3,270 v 4,243 year earlier; visitor numbers 5,252 v 7,431, Website hits 13,043 v 14,730 and Facebook reaches 77,002 v 140,258. Volunteer/Visitor numbers down due to closures because of weather and docent shortage plus no Black Gang this year so far.
Curator’s Update – Whalen
• Remember to volunteer for Regional Air Show
• If a visitor (or staff, for that matter) has a medical emergency CALL 911, but give accurate location (building number). Will furnish a wallet card to all.
• Close down the EC-121 if inside temperature reaches 90 deg. F. Be aware of lightning in the area and have visitors get inside a building (or stay in the 121).
• Be careful with the main door and the over-wing hatches on the EC-121 and get help from Museum staff if necessary (to avoid damage).
Silber commented that Museum Store sales for June, so far, are up from past. Inventory has been re-ordered. Feel free to re-stock as needed from the storage in the Broadmoor Hangar.
Meeting adjourned at 1030 hours.
Next meeting: 31 July at 0900 hrs.
Respectfully submitted,