SUBJECT: Minutes of Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0900hrs,
22 May 2017. Meeting convened in the City Hangar.
ATTENDEES: Brown, John; Burns, Dick; Freyer, Gus; Henderson, Jim; Howells, Glyn; Howells, Phyllis; Long, Bruce; McClelland, Ron; Miller, Mike; Mogel, Jake; Moyer, Norm; Silber, Carl; Reiner, Errol; Yepez, Linda; Whalen, Gail, DAFC, Director.
Opening Remarks: Meeting called to order by Henderson at 0900.
No changes in minutes of 27 March meeting. No meeting in April.
Long discussed financials as of 30 April 17. YTD income $8944, Expense $3328, Cost of Goods Sold $5067 (building up inventory in store for air show), net $549.
Henderson did the numbers: YTD 30 April volunteer hours 2,720 v 3,368 year earlier; visitor numbers 4,086 v 5,095, Website hits 10,108 v 10,859 and Facebook reaches 63,993 v 129,252. Facebook rank by visitors is 4.8 out of 5. Nice work, Jeff.
McClelland commented that our web contacts come principally from the “Visit COS” website (city of COS), and next is our website.
Curator’s Update – Whalen
• Please remember to keep the desk calendar in the docent office updated as to future absences.
• As of 1 June, Visitor Center rules will change: Visitors with pass requests will go directly to the West Gate (with required documents), skipping the Visitor Center.
• It will be important for the Museum to furnish volunteers to work on the Regional Air Show in September AND that the museum gets the credit for the volunteer hours which affects the split of proceeds. Whalen will get more info.
• The 20th anniversary ceremony for the 21st Space Wing will be held in the Medal of Honor Park at 1100 hours on 25 May.
• Movement and placement of displays in the City Hangar was discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 1030 hours.
Next meeting: 26 June at 0900 hrs.
Respectfully submitted,