SUBJECT: Minutes of Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0900hrs,
27 March 2017.
Meeting convened in the City Hangar.
ATTENDEES: Austin, Dave; Brown, John; Burns, Dick; Butler, Brad; Henderson, Jim; McClelland, Ron; Miller, Mike; Mogel, Jake; Moyer, Norm; Silber, Carl; Reiner, Errol; Yepez, Linda; Whalen, Gail, DAFC, Director; Nash, Jeffery, DAFC, Deputy Director
Opening Remarks: Meeting called to order by Henderson at 0905.
No changes in minutes of 27 February meeting.
No financials for February yet available.
YTD 28 February volunteer hours 1,407 v 1,618 year earlier; visitor numbers NA, Website hits 4,647 v 4,541 and Facebook reaches 18,817 v 74,429.
Interim Vice-President Brad Butler discussed the Board’s intention to review function and functionality of the museum operations with a view toward revising the Board committee structure, which in turn, affects the fund raising activity for the Broadmoor Hangar renovation. He thanked the volunteer staff for all their efforts in museum operations.
Curator’s Update – Whalen
Whalen thanked Linda Yepez for her efforts in publicizing our docent recruitment efforts.
Whalen also commented that we have $400,000 per year scheduled for several years for aircraft repair after the hail storm last summer.
Whalen conducted a briefing in the Cheyenne Mountain Complex exhibit covering the plans for expanding the displays. Estimated completion date is June, 2017
Meeting adjourned at 1040 hours.
Next meeting: 24 April at 0900 hrs.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Henderson, Secretary.