SUBJECT: Minutes of Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0900hrs,
30 January 2017
ATTENDEES: Austin, Dave; Brown, John; Burns, Dick; Freyer, Gus; Henderson, Jim; Howells, Glyn; Howells, Phyllis; McClelland, Ron; Mika, Ed; Miller, Mike; Moyer, Norm; Murphy, Joe; Reiner, Errol; Silber, Carl; Solomon, Ron; Yepez, Linda; Whalen, Gail, DAFC, Director; Nash, Jeff, DAFC, Deputy Director.
Opening Remarks: Meeting called to order at 0905.
Henderson, in for Treasurer Long, discussed the financial report as of 31 December 2016. Income for Year 2016 $44,769, expenses $16,218, cost of goods sold $9,670, net $18,881. Cash at 12/31/2016: $51,963 operations and $21,171 Broadmoor Hangar Renovation.
Henderson reported that full year volunteer hours were 9,128,down 4.0% from last year; museum visitors were 21,086, up 6.4%; Website visits were 38,595, 14.7% ahead of last year and Facebook reaches at 241,484 were 2.85 times last year’s number.
McClelland reported on problems and fixes in the website/Peterson internet system. He and Nash spend a lot of time keeping things working. Thank you.
Curator Update (Whalen)
Whalen’s “2016 Year in Review” draft was presented. It includes a listing of accomplishments and setbacks for the year.
The perpetrators of the November museum break-in have been caught. One is currently in jail.
The Regional Air Show will be Sept. 23-24, 2017. Beneficiaries will be the Peterson Air and Space Museum, the National Museum of WWII Aviation and the Mountain Post Historical Center. Our portion of the proceeds will be dependent on our volunteer participation.
There will be a change of command at 21SW in May.
There will be a major Command Inspection in March.
Our goal is to recruit 15 new volunteers to build up the docent ranks.
The aircraft repair will be under a new five-year contract. The plan is to repair eight aircraft, plus the P-40, this year.
Meeting adjourned at 1030 hours.
Next meeting: 27 February at 0900 hrs.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Henderson, Secretary.