SUBJECT: Minutes of Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0900hrs,
31 October 2016
ATTENDEES: Austin, Dave; Brown, John; Burns, Dick; Howells, Glyn; Howells, Phyllis; Long, Bruce; McClelland, Ron; Miller, Mike; Mogel, Jake; Silber, Carl; Yepez, Linda; Whalen, Gail, DAFC, Director;
OPENING REMARKS: Meeting called to order at 0900.
No changes in minutes of September meeting.
Treasurer Long presented the September 2016 financial report: Revenue $4,092; Expense $1,389; Net Income $2,703; Cash in bank $49,609 for operations and $19,943 for Broadmoor Hangar Renovation.
September statistics: volunteer hours 7,084 YTD Sept v 7,324 in 2015, visitors YTD Sept 17,430 v 16,284 in 2015, Website visits YTD Sept 31,475 v 27,427 in 2015, Facebook visits YTD Sept 198,433 v 52,656 in 2015.
McClelland reported that there were over 2,200 website hits for October and that the comments on the Broadmoor Hangar Renovation can now be scrolled.
Curator Update (Whalen)
It’s okay to let visitors to have photos taken wearing the headset at the navigator’s position in the EC-121.
Be sure to check that the EC-121 main door is fully closed when locking up.
When propping the flight deck door open in the EC-121, put the board up diagonally and put the fan in front to prevent a visitor (or his kid) from falling out.
Meeting adjourned at 1000 hours.
Next meeting: 28 November at 0900 hrs.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Henderson, Secretary.