25 April 14

SUBJECT: Minutes of Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Staff Meeting, 0901hrs,

25 April 2014


ATTENDEES: Austin, Dave, CMSgt, USAF (Ret); Brown, John, Lt. Col, USAF (Ret); Burns, Dick, USA (Vet); Fox, Jimmie, Maj., USAF (Ret); Grier, John, MSgt USAF (Ret); Henderson, Jim, Secretary; Horne, Al, USAF (Vet); Kleveno, Al, USN (Vet); Long, Bruce, SMSgt, USAF (Ret), Treasurer; McClelland, Ron,   Maj., USAF (Ret); Miller, Mike, Lt. Col, USAF (Ret); Silber, Carl; Solomon, Ron, USAF (Vet).



OPENING REMARKS: Meeting called to order by Henderson



–          Management Review;

  1. Minutes Approval: (Henderson)

–     28 Mar 14 Meeting Minutes reviewed.

  1. Financial Review (Long):

–         Financials at 31 Mar 14 reviewed.

  • Cash on hand $46,291, Mar Operating Income $1,530, Feb Operating Expense $2,056
  1. Accessions, Volunteer Hours & Visitors Numbers (Whalen):

–         Volunteer Hours: 2,126 YTD Mar 14 v 2,267 YTD Mar 13

–         Visitors: 2,610 YTD Mar 14 v 2,272 YTD Mar 13

–           Facebook views: 2,339 Apr 14 v 1,491 Mar 14  

–    d. Web Site (McClelland):

–           Website Hits: 7,952 YTD Apr 14 v 5,469 YTD Apr 13

–           GOS hits: 956 YTD Apr 14 v 717 YTD Apr 13

–          Temporary version of new website is available, but has only front page.

e.   Open Items:

–          Internet expected to be available soon in BH and Terminal – contractor has been sick

–          Terry Galbreath says those who want F-4 pics please email him.


–          2.   NEW BUSINESS

–         Curator Update

A calendar of summer events will be posted and sent to volunteers, highlighting STEM ROCKS, airshow, military ceremony use¸ etc.


We cannot have staff meetings at a time that closes the museum during the 9am – 4pm time frame Tues. thru Fri. Monday mornings or after 4 pm under consideration.

Still working on microphone problems with camera(s) for docent videos.


May have to close the museum on Saturdays due to lack of docents.


All docents are requested not to park in the lot in front of the museum. Please park in the lost adjacent to the Broadmoor Hangar.


            2012 Volunteer Service Awards


Director Whalen passed out the 2012 awards to those present.   The 2013 awards were presented at the Volunteer Appreciation Day Ceremony.


            Open Discussion


A computer has been purchased for the theater in the City Hangar to replace the DVD player. It will handle all of our videos and operate like the other computers with the touch screen control. Also for classroom use in the theater.


Col. Shaw, 21SW Commander, was at the Volunteer Appreciation Day Ceremony and offered support for the BH renovation effort.


Reminder: get instruction if you’re the one to turn off lights in the City Hangar.


The parking lot revision and landscaping relative to the BH renovation can be done independently of work in the hangar.


The Air Force Thunderbirds will be here for AFA graduation, 28 May.


Meeting adjourned 1030 hrs.





                        Date and time to be determined.


James H Henderson
